1. ex: wordpress' and 5749=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(72)||chr(105)||chr(78)||chr(73),5) and 'goui'='goui
| 2. ex: wordpress' and 6697=6697 and 'blyo'='blyo
| 3. ex: wordpress' and 7007=(select 7007 from pg_sleep(5)) and 'zcfq'='zcfq
| 4. ex: wordpress' and 7877=(select 7877 from pg_sleep(5)) and 'xxck'='xxck
| 5. ex: wordpress' and 9740=9353 and 'kemi'='kemi
| 6. ex: wordpress' and 9950=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78)||chr(82)||chr(69)||chr(81),5) and 'rohe'='rohe
| 7. ex: wordpress' and sleep(5) and 'irqw'='irqw
| 8. ex: wordpress' and sleep(5) and 'mgot'='mgot
| 9. ex: wordpress' order by 1#
| 10. ex: wordpress' order by 1-- blzm
| 11. ex: wordpress' order by 1-- mcph
| 12. ex: wordpress' order by 2229-- lvyr
| 13. ex: wordpress' order by 2878#
| 14. ex: wordpress' order by 7440#
| 15. ex: wordpress' order by 9825-- mrzz
| 16. ex: wordpress' union all select null#
| 17. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null#
| 18. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null#
| 19. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null#
| 20. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null,null#
| 21. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null#
| 22. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#
| 23. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#
| 24. ex: wordpress' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#
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